Specialists in WooCommerce websites

Urchin Design has 26 years experience in design, development, SEO and user interface design. As you can imagine this means we are perfectly positioned to help you with the planning, design and development, as well as optimisation of your eCommerce website. We offer valuable advice about online trading as well as choosing the best payment gateway and delivery plugins for your needs.

On-site SEO is done in the most efficient manner, allowing your site to rank well organically.

WooCommerce integration.

Carefully designed WordPress website user interface for the best user online shopping experience. Professionally integrated online shop with your WordPress website.
WooCommerce integration


Online eCommerce websites are growing around the world, even here in Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa. Urchin Design believe that WordPress is the perfect platform to develop your eCommerce website. WordPress easily integrates with WooCommerce so that you can have your online store doing business in no time. WordPress allows you to easily manage your products on your website through the WordPress dashboard. Make your own changes or have us manage them for you.

eCommerce Development
Travel Mad
Animal Matters
Absolut Fencing
Stellenbosch University
The Retail Team
Independent Investment Research
Institute of Business Management
MAT Surfboards
Rack & Shelf
Paterson Simons
Apex Superior
Mont Fleur
iQ Academy

Do you want a successful eCommerce website?

We're not just designers, we're experienced developers. Don't be caught short. We have the expertise to make sure you have a fully functional online shop.

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